Cardboard boxes are the quintessential moving supplies. Their sheer variety of sizes and shapes, coupled with their durability, has made them a must-have for any move. The issue is how to obtain them. You can buy them, of course, but that can be another moving expense you don’t want — particularly for larger boxes. Luckily, there are places where you can acquire boxes for free.
Office Buildings
Almost all office supplies, from paper to staplers, come in cardboard boxes, but what happens to the boxes after the shipment arrives depends on the office. Some may be used to hold documents or other items in need of storage, while the rest are broken down and recycled. Ask the building manager if you can take the boxes instead. If you work in an office, talk to HR or your supervisors about keeping boxes for your use.
What we don’t recommend is Dumpster diving. It’s technically legal in all 50 states, but it may conflict with statewide or city ordinances. It’s also considered a breach of privacy by many, and some argue it’s no different than littering. If you receive permission from the Dumpster’s owner, feel free, but otherwise avoid Dumpster diving.

Craigslist is a godsend for anyone looking for houses to rent, roommates, or cardboard boxes. Navigate your area’s local page to the For Sale section, and there should be a tab for free items. There are a few caveats you’ll need to keep in mind: You’ll need to arrange pickup in person, and the boxes may not actually be available. Even if some are listed, there’s a chance the listing is a scam. Still, it’s worth checking if you’re out of other options.
Freecycle is a nonprofit website that allows users to trade or give away items in their area. It’s similar to Craigslist, but with a different philosophy. Freecycle is centered on the idea of upcycling and the value of reuse. You can find everything from coffeemakers and power adapters to oil paintings and, of course, cardboard boxes among the listings. Creating an account may be worthwhile if you need boxes or any other moving supplies.
U-Haul Box Exchange
Your local U-Haul may offer multiple ways to get free moving supplies. The most notable is the box-exchange program, through which customers can trade, buy, or sell reusable boxes. Use U-Haul’s website to connect with other users and view the other programs the company offers.
A similar feature at U-Haul is the Take a Box, Leave a Box program. It’s exactly what it sounds like: Customers can leave their used cardboard boxes in good condition at their local U-Haul store, and people who need boxes can take them. When you’re finished with the boxes, it would be courteous to bring them back to help someone else. Pay it forward!

Any location selling food or drinks is bound to be overflowing with cardboard boxes. Much like office supplies, food is shipped in solid packaging to prevent damage. The food is typically frozen, so there’s no concern about greasy or smelly boxes. We don’t recommend using takeout boxes if there was food in them, but see if you can grab any extras that restaurants don’t mind giving out.
Grocery Stores
Anywhere related to food is a veritable goldmine — er, cardboard mine. What makes grocery stores unique is that each department has different types of boxes. Produce, for example, may have boxes with lids, since vegetables such as cucumbers and onions tend to ship that way. The deli and bakery will have a variety of sizes as well. Skipping the meat and seafood departments may be best, however, since there’s a higher risk of contamination or soggy cardboard even though the food is shipped frozen.
If your grocery store has other features, such as a bank or pharmacy, it’s worth checking with them since items such as paper bags and pill bottles are usually sent to pharmacies in cardboard boxes. As with office buildings, call ahead to see if they’ll set some aside for you. Storage space is valuable in any of these environments.
Recycling Centers

We advise against Dumpster diving, but visiting the final destination of said Dumpsters isn’t a problem. Most recycling centers will gladly give you cardboard boxes they’ve collected. After all, they’re essentially still being recycled! Keep in mind, however, that these are used boxes. There may be tears, stains, or other damage. You may also have to reassemble the boxes yourself since some recycling centers accept only broken-down boxes.
Nextdoor is one of several apps that can help you prepare for your move. It connects you with other members of your community, but it can also be an ad hoc marketplace where users can set up trades or drop-offs. Because the app requires your address, you can rest assured that the boxes will be nearby. You can arrange to pick them up through the in-app messaging service. It can also be a great way to connect with new neighbors or bid your old ones farewell.
You’ll notice a recurring theme on this list: stores that sell items shipped in boxes. Bookstores stand out because of the boxes’ necessary durability. Books are heavy. They’re even heavier when packed together in a small space. Ergo, the box that holds them has to be strong and able to hold a lot of weight. They may not be the best place to get larger boxes, but any chain or independent bookstore can offer quality, durable cardboard. Again, call ahead to check availability.