Almost every week, we hear about a new data leak bigger than the last. Gone are the times when a security guard was all you needed to keep your business safe. As an increasing number of routine operations take place online, your response to the growing risks affecting American businesses needs to change — starting with protecting your online presence. Below we cover the fundamentals of securing your business internet connection.
Update Your Software
Using old software is the perfect invitation for hackers and other hostile parties to harm your business. Updating your software is one of the easiest steps you can take to protect your internet connection. Sometimes it really is just the click of a button.
Updating your software sometimes means updating your hardware as well. Using old routers, for example, makes you an easier target for hackers, and some devices are beyond updating.
Authenticate Users

Another simple step you can take is to require your staff to use unique, strong passwords. Even better, use multistep verification systems that require people signing in to verify their identity using their cellphone. These measures may seem like overkill, but they can be an excellent line of defense against people who gain access to your passwords.
Set Up a Firewall
A firewall is a protective barrier that can keep hackers from infiltrating your business and stealing your valued data. The ideal firewall is strong and smart enough to resist even the proverbial Trojan horse — all without requiring your immediate attention. If set up correctly, a firewall won’t require much maintenance, giving you the peace of mind you need to conduct business as usual.
A firewall is essential for any business engaged in e-commerce or selling goods. It can protect sensitive information such as your customers’ credit card numbers and personal addresses. There are many types of firewalls, all of which vary in size and scope. The best firewall for you will depend on your specific needs. A small business with moderate online activity, for example, won’t need the same firewall that a large company entrusted with private information needs.
Back Up Your Data
It happens to the best of us: You forgot to hit Save before the page you were working on crashed. A similar, unfortunate process can happen with your business’s data if you’re not careful.
Dozens of online storage services can safely store your trusted information. Think of it as backing up your iPhone and keeping your children’s baby photos safely in the cloud. As with firewalls, the best service to help you back up your data depends on your particular needs, such as the amount of data to be stored and the degree of protection you need.
Call IT
In life, three things are certain: death, taxes, and the inoperability of the machine in front of you. Whether you’re dealing with a printer or laptop different from what you’re used to, chances are you will need technical support at some point, especially for highly technical matters.
Having an information technology (IT) team you can call for support is of utmost importance when protecting your business connection. By definition, IT strives to ensure your lines of communication and critical information are running smoothly. With a competent IT team assisting your business, you can avoid making yourself vulnerable to all kinds of cyber attacks.
Use a VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) is another protective measure that encrypts your network, establishing secure and encrypted connections that allow for greater user privacy. A VPN prevents hackers from accessing your data, browsing history, and general online activities.
VPNs are particularly in demand as businesses function remotely. If you have staff working outside the office, having them use a VPN is a great way to protect your company’s online presence since Wi-Fi connections at cafés, airports, and even private residences can easily fall prey to hackers.
Train Your Staff
Regardless of what the next generation says on TikTok, no one was born knowing how to turn on a laptop, much less how to safely navigate the online landscape. The staff behind your business sometimes needs guidance and support when adopting protective measures, especially as technology changes and new forms of action are required.
Having your staff participate in regularly scheduled online safety training can be a great way to protect your business’s internet connection. The training can be as elaborate or simple as you would like, but covering the basics may be enough.