Best Internet Providers in Walshville, IL
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Top 8 Internet Service Providers in Walshville, IL
1. Viasat
100% Available2. Verizon
17.4% Available3. HughesNet
100% Available4. Frontier
52.6% Available5. Royell
44.9% Available6. Rural Comm
11.6% Available7. Wisper ISP
68.9% Available8. Starlink
100% AvailableBest Internet Providers in Walshville
Shopping for the best internet in Walshville, IL, can feel like searching for hidden treasure. But guess what? We're in this together, and I'm here to share the inside scoop on unlocking the best internet hacks for our small town.
First up, let's talk about the satellite secret that ensures you won't miss a beat online. Starlink is the top dog here, boasting an impressive max download speed of 220 Mbps. It blankets 100% of Walshville, IL, which means it's got everyone's back, no matter where you are. It's great for those of us who need lightning-fast connections to stream our favorite shows or work from home without a hitch.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Viasat Internet, another satellite provider with full coverage. With a max speed of 150 Mbps, it's a solid contender, especially if Starlink's higher price tag isn't quite in your budget.
If you think satellite isn't your style, then you might want to check out the community favorite, Frontier. It's the only DSL provider in town and covers just over half of Walshville. With max speeds reaching 115 Mbps, it's a good middle ground that combines availability with decent performance. Plus, at $64.99 per month, it’s a good value option if you're in its coverage area.
And here's a little bonus tip for fellow Walshville residents: if you're near one of the pockets covered by fixed wireless providers like Wisper ISP (68.9% of Walshville) or Royell Communications, it's worth exploring these options, too. They won't break speed records, but they might just be the perfect fit for your specific needs at competitive prices.
Now armed with this treasure map of tips, you're ready to conquer the internet jungle in Walshville, IL. Happy surfing, fellow internet explorer!
Internet Provider Store Locations in Walshville
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Average download speed in Walshville:
Based on 10 speed tests
Best Internet Provider in Walshville
- Viasat - Fast download speeds in Walshville and most internet coverage
- Verizon - 5g internet up to 50 Mbps
- HughesNet - Another great satellite internet alternative for those who can't get Cable, Fiber, or DSL
- Frontier - Budget friendly option and most DSL availability
- Royell - Fixed wireless up to 25 Mbps
- Rural Comm - Fixed wireless up to 25 Mbps
- Wisper ISP - Fixed wireless up to 100 Mbps
- Starlink - Fast speeds and widely available
How Much Speed Do I Need?
25+ Mbps
- Web Surfing & Email
- HD Streaming
- Supports 1-2 Devices
- Ideal for 1-2 people
100+ Mbps
- Ultra HD (4K) Streaming
- Low Lag Online Gaming
- Supports 3-5 Devices
- Ideal for 2-6 people
1 Gig
- Multi 4K HD Streaming
- No Lag Online Gaming
- Supports more than 5 Devices
- Ideal for 6+ people
An Overview of Internet Providers in Walshville By Connection
Provider | Connection | Download speeds up to | Availability |
Frontier | DSL | Call For Details | 53% |
Royell | Fixed Wireless | 25 Mbps | 45% |
Rural Comm | Fixed Wireless | 100 Mbps | 12% |
Wisper ISP | Fixed Wireless | 400 Mbps | 69% |
HughesNet | Satellite | 100 Mbps | 100% |
Viasat | Satellite | 150 Mbps | 100% |
Starlink | Satellite | 220 Mbps | 100% |
T-Mobile Home Internet | 5G Internet | 415 Mbps | 5% |
Verizon | 5G Internet | 300 Mbps | 17% |
Provider | Connection | Download speeds up to | Availability |
HughesNet | Satellite | 100 Mbps | 100% |
Viasat | Satellite | 150 Mbps | 100% |
Starlink | Satellite | 220 Mbps | 100% |
Wisper ISP | Fixed Wireless | 100 Mbps | 69% |
Royell | Fixed Wireless | 25 Mbps | 45% |
Frontier | DSL | Call For Details | 53% |
AT&T | 5G Internet | 300 Mbps | 1% |
T-Mobile Home Internet | 5G Internet | 100 Mbps | 5% |
Popular Zip Codes in Walshville, IL:
Internet Availability by Connection Type in Walshville
Internet service providers in Walshville use different methods for connecting their customers to the web. Connection types matter, so choose wisely. Fiber is generally the fastest and most reliable option, followed by cable, DSL and 5G home internet.
Fiber - 37%
Cable - 37%
DSL - 37%
What is Mbps?
Mbps is the abbreviation for megabits per second, and it also appears written as Mbits/sec. Internet providers use megabits per second to measure speeds. Broadband speeds are 25 Mbps or faster. Learn more about Mbps.
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